Thursday, May 14, 2009

Anberlin - Amsterdam

Someone I know needs to get a life. Rather than wasting hard-earned money on unnecessary things, really, just get a life.

You have no idea how much I hate you now.

Maybe someday I will give a shit, but right now, seriously? Just wake up and get a life.

Another song, for the fun of it.

P/S: Is it still raining wherever you go?


My heart aches because of what you say. You are my friend first and my it's complicated second. You had so much faith in us you used when. You are completely selfless to not want me to feel like I have cheated on him. And that anything else is just fucking incredible. I thought it was mere infatuation but I have loved you then. And then this. I will love you still. I just think it has come and gone. I have loved him then. I will love him still. That too has come and gone.


Anonymous said...

*pats* your first paragraph, i think i know your pain to whom you're refering to... still living in that room?

Ching said...

Er, on the contrary no. He has actually gotten a job and has been working for a while already. He is showing signs of giving up but so far, we have managed to drill it in his thick head that he needs this job.

Anonymous said...

ah ok... my bad :p