Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Of Knicks And Knacks

I don't update as often as I'd like to. And I can't remember what happened in the past several weeks so it's not like I can fill you in on anything.

There's been bits and pieces of this and that, a pinch of here and there though I am pretty sure a staple topic is that I'm perpetually penniless.

Today, I fixed up the side mirror on my car, the one I hulk-rage smashed over one of those weekends at a mall. Despite it costing me RM80, I was more than happy to pay for it. I don't know why. Knowing my compulsion to keep all my RM50 notes nice and together, I would have screamed in protest, perhaps even inflicting physical harm onto those around me. But no. Nothing of that sort.

I did come across something fun lately.


And bacon. Oh, how will I choose?

If I could I'd go for Lego while eating bacon, but my blocks would have unsightly grease marks on them. Not something I want to do to my new-found hobby.

I think this train of thought is pushing me to purchase another Lego set. Something a wee bit more intricate. Today maybe? Hmm...