Thursday, November 26, 2009

Promise Me You'll Never Go Away

Vodka and Solo Lemon is such a great match.

Tegan and Sara - My Number

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Oh. Come. On.

Don't bloody annoy me with your constant inane ramblings. Shut up already. I don't have time to deal with insignificance, ones such as yours.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Uh Huh Her

People should totally listen to them.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Menace In Me

I think it's time for a wake up call. I've been behaving like a recluse for the past, I don't know, three weeks? Immersed in a sense of narcissism.

I am churlish. I am cynical. I am unaccommodating. I am niggardly. I am a menace that walks this land. Her stale limpid eyes pierce through my heart. Am I bound to this life, or am I clinging on to it?

Sometimes you think I don't care. Sometimes you miss me. Sometimes we walk together. Sometimes you frustrate me. Sometimes you make me jealous. Sometimes I frighten you. Sometimes you frighten me. But not always.

I think it takes a certain degree of sacrifice. I want to eviscerate myself for you because every glance I steal I feel completely dismantled. I will give you my pulpy putrid mass of a heart. But I am selfish in my reticence. I cannot will not give you the miles of mountains you ask for.

I am a menace. You know it. I know it.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Is the current favourite. Only because it is free of a certain poison that will hop on the bandwagon.

Two stalks of roses,
Two lines of thorns,
One perfectly hidden,
One out in the open.

Well, lookie here. I can write me poetry sometimes.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Please Shut Up

I cannot hear myself think. On some days, it quiets down. But today, it gets so loud.

Magneta Lane - The Constant Lover

Monday, November 16, 2009

Skippidee Skip

For three-quarters of 48 hours over the weekend I stayed put at home and drowned myself in The L Word. And it was great.

For whatever I am feeling right now, I don't know if it's just a phase. There was always this pull factor.

PS: Serves Jenny Schecter right, that psycho lunatic nut case.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Damn The Sore Ears

God forbid if my 70-year-old mother should hear any of this. So my ears are sore. On a brighter side of things, there is this song.

Tracy Bonham - Naked


I spilled my guts on your best shoes.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Don't you want to fuck her?

Heart is throbbing.

WPE 8511

Screw you, egoistic scumbag. I hope you crash your car, paralyze yourself and slowly rot to death into a piece of disgusting gooey mush.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


I never found out how to be. And I regret it.

Monday, November 2, 2009


No, seriously.


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