Tuesday, June 30, 2009

People Really Do This

The funniest thing happened to me yesterday, while I was stuck in the jam along Federal Highway.

This chee bye black Satria Neo tried to jump queue by going on the emergency lane. So I was damn tu lan because look, we are all stuck in the same shit. Why should you be so special as to move to the front of the queue?

And so I steered slightly to the left. Not really on the emergency lane, but hogging enough space to block him. (Smug laugh here)

At the turning into LDP (more commonly known as the Motorola turning), he couldn't stop looking over at me. So I looked back. And he looks back. And I looked back again. And this happened for like the next 500m or something. So I beh tahan (because this dude quite cute la) and mouthed 'What?' to him.

He sticks out his thumb and pinky and waves it next to his face. Then he signals me to wind my passenger side window down. I ignored it. But he couldn't stop harassing me. (Good thing?) So I wound the damned window down and gave him my number.

Then I sped off thinking in the exact words of ha ha ha ha ha ha.


KY said...

hahahaha i expect you to write about the call!

kennysia said...

booty call!

Ching said...

sadly though, he hasn't called : (

not even for a booty hahaha!!