Sunday, April 19, 2009

Project Cheerleader: Vertical Horizon - Forever

I cannot sleep : (

I am going to give me one month to mope, be depressed and pathetic and feeling sorry for myself. And hope it doesn't grow into the two-month sad case I used to be after that time. I was right. I should have continued to be cold-hearted. Sayang, if you remember reading that, I was right, wasn't I? I'm sorry I shut you off, I was quite emo and you were just trying to show concern. I'm sorry.

Project Cheerleader starts today. By May 19th, 2009 I must bounce back.

"Who would've guessed I'd have learned
To let the walls around me burn"

"I don't know if you hear me there
When it's darkest, and no one cares
I will hear you..."

"Now I've got to learn to carry on
I know I cannot hide, this emptiness inside
But nothing is the same since you've gone"

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