Thursday, November 6, 2008

Oh My Calves

This week was hell.

Material deadline on Tuesday, and suddenly there was this fire drill. Such good timing! Fire Marshalls came to evacuate us to the Assembly Point while the Fire Department came to pretend to check the building. They took a whole 30 minutes to arrive. Can I say toast?

Everyone had to use the stairs.

What's the big deal right?

Well, let me repeat. EVERYONE had to use the stairs. This includes the lazy bums who take the elevator from the first floor to the lower ground floor, when the daunting flight of stairs is right beside.

It's so funny, I believe it was my first time seeing Bernas employees using the stairs.

I walked 7 floors down. I think I've fulfilled my quota of weekly exercise.

This is only 8 floors of the building. The rest were all the way around the other side.

After the drill, everyone hurried back to the elevators.

I couldn't wait - materials were due. So I took the stairs. 7 floors up. 26 steps each floor.

And today, I finally feel the consequences. Left foot on clutch... and bam! Been limping my way around the office pretty much the entire day today. Now that stupid Ameltz Yoko-Yoko ad is ringing in my head.

: (

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