Monday, July 7, 2008

My New Toy

I'd hate to admit that I'm wrong. But I'm wrong.

I have now joined the holy communion of the Dell Notebook Users. Let's toast.

I actually haggled with my mom to get her to pitch in, because I am a very sore loser and am not willing to part with my money, however little or much it is. So I sweet-talked her into it and she gave in, on two conditions.

1. I am not allowed to have a night life for three months.
No clubbing, no alcohol consumption of any kind, at anywhere, at anytime. Which translates to being surrounded by four very cold and solid walls. I thought I could survive this if I had the notebook with me, with which I can make up for my previous low anime-blood cell count. But it's only been 3 days. And I'm already bored. Not of the newfound baby, but of having nothing to do than finger my baby (which sounds quite wrong if you think about it in a certain perspective). This goes back to how wrong I can be. Sigh...

2. I must allocate 50% of my take home wages for savings for three months.
I am now poverty-stricken. And must survive on a bottle of water with two slices of bread. I'm pathetic. But I can at least buy a tub of kaya with it, can't I? Colleagues were teasing that I am all of a sudden a pauper. So much for calling other people pauper at one point in my very rich luxurious life. It's karma I tell you, its karma.

Hancock tonight. I see you when I see you!! =D

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