Tuesday, May 20, 2008


The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

Almost immediately after its World Premier, I went to catch this movie. Let me be honest. The movie was an utter bore. Even more so than its prequel, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. Geez, what a mouthful.

Why was it a bore?

1. Inexperienced Screenplay
Other than Anna Popplewell and Sergio Castellitto who played Susan and King Miraz respectively, the actors sported little improvement. Either that or they were just plain bad actors. Most of the time, the acting lacked emphasis and expression. There is just no way you can tell the mood of the movie if not for the soundtrack.

2. Rojak Copycat
Throughout the movie, expect to be catapulted from one movie to another while catching a glimpse of 300, in which Xerxes' army all wore iron masks. Also, a peek of Troy when Achilles struck the giant in the opening scene. The ending also reminded me of Harry Potter's ending, where the train on Platform 9 and 3/4 left for Hogwarts. I swear, it was like watching a Medley movie.

3. Unrealistic Kids' Show
It is truly a kids' show. How can there be no blood even after decapitation, head rolling on the ground??!! No blood when King Miraz's army was shot with arrows. No blood when during the one-on-one sword-fight. So damned ridiculous.

Seriously, we know it's not blood, just use the friggin' ketchup already. Even the kids would be complaining to their mothers, why the lack of blood? Because you see, the children (obviously spoilt rotten by their parents) are granted with computers, televisions, Play Stations, etc. that they know the blood is fake anyway. Please, if you really MUST censor something, the bad acting would be a good idea.

4. Messy Storyline
There's seriously too much going on in the movie. So it's not enough to have 2 Kings and 2 Queens, now they're bringing in a third King - Prince Caspian who is played by Ben Barnes. Not only is there plenty of internal power struggle to go around, resembling that of BN vs. PAS vs. DAP vs. Keadilan vs. Who vs. The vs. Fuck vs. Cares, unnecessary scenes like dreaming of Aslan and trying to bring back the Witch were giving me a huge eye-watering, air-polluting, jaw-tiring yawn.

It's like they put the bringing back the Witch scene so Edmund could say 'Yeah, I know. You've got that sorted' after many times Peter has said that as Edmund intervened with his affairs. And other than 'blowing the horn' to summon the Kings of the Old back to Narnia, Prince Caspian really does nothing except looking pretty, and to give Anna Popplewell an on-screen smooch. Even that, she had to make the first move.

Overall, it's too bland to be an epic-fantasy movie, and too gore-less as a war movie. There's nothing to gloat about.

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian.
Score: 3 of 10

Monday, May 5, 2008

Vampire Knight


Kurosu Yuuki, Kiryuu Zero, Kaname Kuran

Vampire Knight manga Volumes 3 and 4 in Borders!! Must buy!!!!!


Vampire Knight in anime!!


Kiryuu Zero is so cool!!

Oh blood : )

Can I be bitten too??!!


Download Ep. 01
Download Ep. 02
Download Ep. 03
Download Ep. 04